Developed to help participants learn, grow, and foster meaningful connections with the environment, individuals, and life around them.
RegisterFall Sessions engage participants in child-led, educator-supported learning experiences.
Each day will combine seasonal-centric activities that consider the importance of Fall in the natural world. Participants will be encourage to engage with the harvest and abundance that surrounds them, while considering the preparation work that has yet to be done for the winter ahead. It's this balance of present experience and future planning that will help to install valuable life lessons.
Our Fall Session | 2025 will run for a total of 12 weeks.
Seasonal Program: Children aged 5-13 years: 1, 2, or 3-days per week on Tuesday, Wednesday and/or Thursday. School hours are from 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM.
The original kindergarten—the children’s garden—conceived by German educator Friedrich Froebel in the 19th century, was a place where children learned through play, often in nature.He believed that play is the principal means of learning in early childhood. In play, children construct their understanding of the world through direct experience with it.
At The Three Sisters Village, we are intentionally stepping into the re-creation of the children’s garden. We offer a space for children to be and grow exactly as they are. Allowing them to lead their own inquiries, engage in active exploration and most importantly, experience the joy and wonder of play. Regular and repeated exposure to the environment at the Homestead offers a unique learning experience in which children develop a connection to one another, the land and all living things.
Kinder-Garden Program: Children aged 3.8-6: 1 or 2 days a week on Monday and/or Friday, running alongside all seasonal sessions outlined below.
Winter Sessions engage participants in child-led, educator-supported learning experiences that focus on rest and rejuvenation. Each day will combine indoor and outdoor learning activities that encourage sustainable development and living.
Throughout the Winter season, our focus is on continuing to grow while being mindful of the world at rest around us. To do this, we combine indoor and outdoor activity with ample time for rest and reset, instilling the values necessary to successfully navigate the busy seasons – and life – that lie ahead.
Our Winter Session | 2025 will run for a total of 8 weeks.
Seasonal Program: Children aged 5-13 years: 1, 2, or 3-days per week on Tuesday, Wednesday and/or Thursday. School hours are from 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM.
Spring Sessions engage participants in child-led, educator-supported learning experiences. Each day starts with a group circle, where we learn songs and stories connecting us to the natural world.
Throughout the Spring season, our focus is on connecting with the blossoming world that surrounds us. To do this, we climb, hike, and explore, acquiring new skills by taking part in unstructured and risky play. Our Spring Sessions connect participants to the Land, encouraging community involvement and environmental stewardship while instilling valuable lessons for life.
Our Spring Session | 2025 will run for a total of 12 weeks.
Seasonal Program: Children aged 5-13 years: 1, 2, or 3-days per week on Tuesday, Wednesday and/or Thursday. School hours are from 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM.